Long Term Load Forecasting
Long Term Load Forecasting
Load forecasting is a fundamental element in utility business operations and planning processes. During the past 120 plus years, load forecasting methodologies have evolved as the industry and related technologies progress. Consequently, many classical methods are no longer suitable in addressing today's challenges in the utility industry.
This course offers a comprehensive and in-depth treatment to long-term load forecasting. The content includes a review of the fundamental concepts and classical methods, a statistical approach that leverages high resolution data and modern computing power, probabilistic forecasting that helps better quantify the uncertainties of the unpredictable future, and several advanced and emerging challenges triggered by big data, renewable energy integration and demand side management programs. Real-world examples and case studies are embedded throughout the course when introducing the theories and methodologies.
The course also includes a computer lab session based on MS Excel, MATLAB, R or SAS.
Next Public Offerings
Locations of Past Offerings
2017 - Minneapolis, MN
2016 - Long Beach, CA
2015 - Nashville, TN
Attending Organizations
US - ABB Inc | Alliant Energy Corp | Avista Utilities | Black Hills Corporation | Cleco Power LLC | Cobb EMC | Customized Energy Solutions | Dairyland Power Cooperative | El Paso Electic | Energy Keepers Inc | Excelon Corporation | Imperial Irrigation District | Lower Colorado River Authority | Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska | Navajo Tribal Utility Authority | Owensboro Municipal Utilities | Pasadena Water | PLM Inc | Powder River Energy Corp | San Francisco Public Utility Commission | Southern California Edison | Texas Retail Energy | U.S. Gas & Electric | Utility Financial Solutions
International - BC Utilities Commission | EPCOR | FortisAlberta | Nevis Electricity Company Limited | New Brunswick Power | Toronto Hydro